

G. Giust and D. Jorgesen, "Measuring Phase Noise with Baluns," Microwave Journal, vol. 59, ed. 10 (October 2016), pp. 84-100.

G. Giust and D. Jorgesen, "Measuring Phase Noise with Baluns," Signal Integrity Journal (October 14, 2016).

G. Giust and D. Jorgesen, "Measuring Phase Noise with Baluns," Microwave Journal China (Nov/Dec 2016), pp. 52-58, 78.

G. Giust, J. Balachandran, and B. Sen, "Evaluate Reference Clocks for Serial-data Jitter Specifications," EDN (January 13, 2017).

G. Giust, Feedback Column for "Fiercely Independent in Making Measurements," Microwaves & RF (January 2017), p. 18.

G. Giust, "Influence of Noise Processes on Jitter and Phase Noise Measurements," Signal Integrity Journal (April 10, 2018).

G. Giust, "Phase Noise Aliases as TIE Jitter," Signal Integrity Journal (July 23, 2018).


J. Balachandran, B. Sen, and G. Giust, Automated Methodology for Reference Clock Selection in High-speed SERDES Interfaces, Cisco PCB Hardware Conference 2016 at Cisco Systems, San Jose, CA (Sept. 14, 2016).

G. Giust, Phase Noise Terminology, Measurement, and Analysis, IEEE MTT-S Chapter Meeting at National Instruments, Santa Clara, CA (Nov. 17, 2016).

G. Giust, Measurement Challenges for PCIe4, Joint JitterLabs and Rohde & Schwarz PCI Express Seminar in Milpitas, CA (Dec. 12, 2017).

G. Giust, Methodologies for PCIe5 Refclk Jitter Analysis, PCI Express Electrical Workgroup Face-to-Face Meeting at Tektronix, Santa Clara, CA (Jan. 18, 2018).

G. Giust, PCI Express GEN4 Clock Jitter Measurements Using Phase Noise Methodology, DesignCon 2018 at Santa Clara Convention Center, CA (Jan. 31, 2018).